Who We Are

Signal Alliance Inc. is a coalition of organizations united by the common goal of supporting our country, the Philippines, during times of war or widespread disasters. Our mission is to serve as a legitimate reserve force for the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP), with our members holding appropriate ranks within the reserve force. The organization is led by officers who are experienced leaders with expertise and untarnished reputations.


Sustainable peace, harmony, and prosperity within the community


Respect for human dignity and rule of law

Organizational History

Signal Alliance, Inc. (SAI) was founded in 2021.  SAI was registered with the  Security and Exchange Commission on February 03, 2022. SAI is composed of a group of Philippine Army reservists and radio organizations from Olongapo City, Subic Bay Freeport Zone, Province of Zambales, and Province of Bataan.

All the members of SAI have substantial radio communication experience that can be utilized anytime, especially during emergencies and disasters.

Our Mission

To serve its members and the community.

To lead and join in humanitarian service whenever needed. To employ all communication assets during operations to ensure accurate responses during emergencies and disasters. To provide safe, timely, and effective rescue operations in a professional manner, and which embodies humanitarian considerations.

To strengthen community linkages and cooperation with both the local and national governments and other recognized organizations in the country.

Our Vision

To lead other organizations in humanitarian operations such as disaster and relief operations by providing signal communication anytime, anywhere in the country, in partnership with both the local and national government. To deploy radio and other assets whenever it is needed.

Click to go to the Subicwater website.


Click to go to Comteq College website.

United Shuttle and
 Transportation Inc.

Medical Missions

Our missions involve providing underserved communities with healthcare services, resources, and support. A team of healthcare professionals, including doctors, nurses, and volunteers, travels to a specific location to bring essential healthcare services.

Feeding Programs

We play a crucial role in immediate food needs by providing nutritious meals and enhancing the well-being of vulnerable populations. Contributing to long-term community development and empowerment is also part of this program.

Education Campaigns

In collaboration with Comteq College and other affiliates, we aim to raise awareness, promote access to education, and improve educational outcomes for individuals. We typically focus on addressing specific challenges related to education.

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What we Do

Our primary objectives

Signal Alliance’s objectives reflect the roles and impact of our radio group in providing reliable communications not only in times of emergencies but also in disseminating and promoting communication, community development, and social change.

We will also foster collaboration among radio communication groups, NGOs, government agencies, and other stakeholders. SAI can facilitate networking platforms, knowledge-sharing events, and partnerships to strengthen the collective efforts and impact of radio communication initiatives.

Emergency Communication

Signal Alliance will always be ready to provide reliable and effective communication during emergencies, disasters, or crisis situations. This includes setting up and operating emergency communication systems to facilitate coordination and information dissemination among response teams, affected communities, and relevant authorities..

Information Dissemination

We will facilitate the dissemination of accurate and timely information to the community, especially during times of emergencies. We will also promote community empowerment through radio broadcasting that can serve as a platform for local voices, information sharing, education, cultural preservation, and promoting social cohesion. 

Join our mission. Volunteer, Donate, Advocate. Get Started Today.

Email:  info@signal-alliance.com

Phone: (0998) 185-5123